9 February 2022

Red II Directive: The News on The Energy Communities Contained in the Transposition

Recepimento direttiva Red II

The starting scenario on Energy Communities


Transposition of RED II and IEM directives: legislative decree, measures and developments December 2021

Size and power of production plants

Incentive mechanisms for self-consumption in energy communities

Regulation of tariffs for small plants

Diffusion of renewables in Italian regions by source (MW)


Regulation of incentives for energy sharing

What is missing to complete the legislation on incentives?

Use of the proceeds of CO2 auctions to cover the costs of incentives for renewable energy sources and energy efficiency

Digital platform for the authorisation of renewable energy plants

Protocol for the identification of surfaces and areas suitable for the installation of renewable energy plants

Energy communities and measures for existing plants

The latest measures provided for in the decree

Why use software to manage energy communities?


Paolo Gangemi is Product Manager of ROSE Intelligent Energy Management System, the innovative solution for the Energy market in the field of Smart Grids with applications for energy efficiency, flexibility, predictive maintenance and energy communities.


Image 2: Source Legambiente

Do you have a pilot project? Try the energy community starter pack.


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