The ability to create decentralized energy systems capable of managing energy autonomously and collectively is one of the crucial elements for the transition to a more sustainable energy system.
Energy Communities allow citizens, companies and organizations to come together to share energy production and consumption and to benefit collectively from economic, environmental and social benefits.
Although the spread of energy communities in Italy appears, as of now, to be slow at first glance, data from feasibility simulations carried out by current market players show a very different reality.
The Italian legal framework has played a key role in promoting the creation of a market for energy communities. First and foremost, with the adoption of Legislative Decree 162/2019, also known as “Decreto Milleproroghe”, and Legislative Decree 199/2021, Italy has transposed the European directives on the promotion of collective self-consumption and renewable energy communities. In addition, Ministerial Decree no. 106 of March 15, 2024, known as the “Corrispettivi Decree“, which establishes the fees that the GSE (Gestore dei Servizi Energetici) will charge recipients of PNRR incentives and subsidies.
At the same time, the opening up of the energy market has led to more competition and innovation in this sector. Technology companies, energy suppliers and start-ups have begun to develop advanced energy management solutions that make production and shared consumption more efficient and convenient.
Maps Energy supports the creation of energy communities and the replicability of business models developed by market participants with MAPS Digital Energy Community, the cloud-based software for the simulation, promotion and comprehensive management of energy communities.
Although at first glance everything seems to be going slowly, the data recorded by the MAPS Digital Energy Community DESIGNER simulation module shows a very different reality: beneath the surface, energy communities are growing significantly and showing a steady and noticeable increase.
MAPS Digital Energy Community DESIGNER simulates energy flows and forecasts the expected economic performance by providing a clear and detailed view of the data with graphs and KPI.
CACER feasibility studies: exceptional growth in the last 8 months
In November 2023, 172 energy communities were registered in the MAPS Digital Energy Community DESIGNER simulation software. These comprised a total of 4096 consumers, 141 generators (with a total PV capacity of 35 MW) and 1087 prosumers (with a total PV capacity of 64 MW).

Eight months later, in July 2024, the figures show impressive growth. The total number of communities rose to 405, an increase of 135%, spread across 15,837 consumers, 462 producers with a total PV capacity of 142 MW and 4,199 prosumers with a total PV capacity of 183 MW.
This data shows a gradual but steady growth in market interest in the opportunities that energy communities offer to businesses and citizens, supported by a regulatory framework that is finally stable, favorable and geared towards a more sustainable energy future.
MAPS Energy supports the growth of energy communities with intelligent cloud software solutions to simulate, promote and fully manage every kind of energy community.